2015–2016 Obermann Center Annual Report

Andrew W. Mellon Digital Bridges for Humanistic Inquiry: A Grinnell College/UI Partnership

The Obermann Center is an active supporter of the Andrew W. Mellon-funded initiative Digital Bridges for Humanistic Inquiry: A Grinnell College/University of Iowa Partnership. Directed by Jim Elmborg (School of Library and Information Science, Graduate College, UI), Teresa Mangum (Obermann and Gender, Women’s & Sexuality Studies, CLAS, UI), and Erik Simpson (English, Grinnell), the grant encourages collaboration between the two institutions with a special emphasis on creative teaching with technology.

During the past year, teams have been working at the Obermann Center, at the UI Libraries’ Digital Scholarship and Publishing Studio, and at Grinnell College. This uniquely collaborative grant connects faculty members, postdoctoral fellows, Student Instructional Technology Assistants, graduate and undergraduate researchers, UI undergraduate ICRU Research Fellows, and library staff members at both schools.

To learn about opportunities offered by the grant, visit the Digital Bridges website.

Here are a few highlights from 2015–16:

2015–16 Summer Institutes

In June 2015 and 2016, faculty members, graduate students, and library staff from Grinnell and the UI attended week-long summer institutes at Grinnell. The 2015 Institute introduced a variety of technologies, while the 2016 Institute pursued the theme “Making Meaning with Data in the Humanities and Social Sciences.”

UI participants in the 2016 Institute included Brian Ekdale (Journalism & Mass Communication, CLAS), Barbara Eckstein (English, CLAS), Mariola Espinosa (History, CLAS), Loren Glass (English, CLAS), Lisa Heineman (History, CLAS), Jenna Supp-Montgomerie (Communications and Religious Studies, CLAS), and Mary Wise (History, CLAS).

2015–17 Postdoctoral Fellow

Christina Boyles, a recent PhD from Baylor University and our first postdoctoral fellow, is part of the Digital Bridges team; she also teaches courses for the Graduate Certificate in Public Digital Humanities at the UI. Her research interests include text analysis, digital storytelling, instructional design, and multicultural American literature.

2015–16 Highlighted Events at the University of Iowa

2015–2016 Collaborations at the University of Iowa

2015–16 Exploratory Awards

Visit the Digital Bridges website for information about events and opportunities.