
fellows-02Obermann Center Fellows-in-Residence fully devote themselves to projects within an interdisciplinary community. The program supports artists, researchers, and scholars during periods when focus and feedback are crucial. The program is rooted in our mission: to support the work of individual scholars, while also providing them with the opportunity to enrich a single, discipline-specific project through interdisciplinary exchanges with a lively intellectual community of Fellows. 

Following are highlights of the work of this year’s Fellows-in-Residence:

Loyce Arthur (Theatre Arts, CLAS): 

  • Researched the social and cultural interactions between ethnic groups in Trinidad and Tobago and how these interactions play out in annual Carnival activities
  • Prepared an interview of New Orleans Black Indian Chief Darryl Montana for publication (July 2018)
  • Developed a performance piece based on the themes of Caribbean migration, Carnival, and the Diaspora
  • Developed content for the Carnival/Carnaval website under the UI Libraries Digital Archive

“My time at Obermann was invaluable. To have a dedicated space and time to pursue any lines of inquiry that I wanted to follow allowed me to accomplish a great deal and to plan for future professional and academic work in a focused way that is not possible during a regular semester. I also really appreciate the range of scholarly interests and backgrounds of fellow scholars that allowed for great wide-ranging formal and informal conversations.” —Loyce Arthur

Glenn Ehrstine (German, CLAS): 

  • Completed “Devotional Spectatorship in Late Medieval Germany” chapter of book manuscript and archival research for another chapter
  • Completed an annotated translation of “Die Prohibitionsseuche in Iowa,” an outgrowth of the 2016 Obermann Humanities Symposium, German Iowa and the Global Midwest; the translation has been accepted for publication in The Annals of Iowa
  • Completed a book review for the German journal Das Literaturwissenschaftliche Jahrbuch

Blaine Greteman (English, CLAS)

  • Completed two chapters of a book-in-progress, Networking Early English Print, which is based on his digital project, Shakeosphere: Mapping Early Modern Social Networks
  • Wrote a chapter for an edited collection to be published by Oxford University Press
  • Wrote an article, “The Creep of the Nutcracker,” for The Week, which brought together some of his research and teaching interests

Matthew Hannah (Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow)

  • Completed and submitted a book proposal for his manuscript Networks of Modernism: Toward a Theory of Cultural Production
  • Helped develop an online archive, The Modernist Archives Publishing Project
  • Hired as Assistant Professor of Digital Humanities at Purdue University, where he is helping to design a digital humanities center to serve the entire campus

Carolyn Copps Hartley (Social Work, CLAS)

  • Conducted a preliminary study of the sexual misconduct adjudication process used by colleges and universities to develop a grant proposal to examine the experiences of complainants and respondents involved in these processes

Sarah R. Kyle (Humanities and Philosophy, University of Central Oklahoma)

  • Researched and wrote a chapter of her current book project, The Mirror and the Key: the Roccabonella Herbal and Pharmacology in Renaissance Veniceand also a journal article
  • Traveled to the Newberry Library to do research in its collection of manuscripts and early printed books
  • Presented at two conferences and gave an invited lecture on material related to her book project
  • Revised a chapter now forthcoming in an edited volume

Kim Marra (Theatre Arts and American Studies, CLAS)

  • Created a digital video project, “The Pull of Horses,” which synthesizes archival and live performance sources into a large-format, immersive, 30- to 40-minute video to show a broad public how horses shaped gender and other human identities along with the urban landscape in New York City from 1860 to 1920
  • Made presentations and participated in discussions in two classes at Grinnell College on the subject of equestrian shows in nineteenth-century New York City and archives, autobiographical performance, and digital storytelling
  • Gave a talk, “Maude Adams, Actress and Equestrienne,” at Stephens College in Columbia, MO
  • Finished and presented a talk, “David Belasco and The Passion for Actress Training,” at the Performance, Culture, and the Book Conference at the University of Iowa

Mirzam Pérez (Mellon Digital Bridges Fellow, Grinnell College)

  • Completed revisions for and published the Designing Empire website 
  • Completed a graduate-level course, Digital Design for Art Books, during which she learned the basics of bookbinding, assembling, and layout in analog and digital format; created four original books; and learned Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign 
  • Created a dummy sample for graphic novel The Dead Professor 
  • Collaborated with student Alex Claycomb to write an article based on pedagogic experiences in advanced Spanish seminar that included a digital humanities mentor and the inclusion of digital assignments in text analysis, mapping, and online exhibits

Darrel Wanzer-Serrano (Communication Studies and Latina/o Studies, CLAS)

  • Completed research for current book project on rhetorics of “possession” in the context of U.S. entanglement with Puerto Rico, 1898–1917
  • Began work on a new project about Black Lives Matter; co-wrote an abbreviated version of the piece and presented it at the National Communication Association convention
  • Began work on a project related to Puerto Rican rejection of U.S. citizenship
  • Developed materials for an interdisciplinary graduate course on the rhetoric of race/racism

Jessica Welburn Paige (Sociology and African American Studies, CLAS)

  • Worked on book manuscript, Die Hard City: Public Sector Contraction and the Experiences of African Americans in Detroit
  • Won a DuBois Institute fellowship at Harvard University for Fall 2018, which is directed by Henry Louis Gates, Jr., and hosts researchers at all career phases that explore the experiences of members of the African diaspora around the world
  • “The work I did on my book manuscript as a fellow at the Obermann Center was crucial in developing my application for the DuBois Institute fellowship. I was able to use the work I did to provide writing samples from my manuscript and an overview of the project.” —Jessica Welburn Paige

Pamela Wesely (Teaching & Learning, College of Education)

  • Recruited 15 teacher participants for CDA project, conducting interviews with them and carrying out 30 full-day observations at schools around Iowa to collect data
  • Wrote several manuscripts, including revising a second edition of a book (to be published in November 2018), two article manuscripts submitted in the spring semester, and four other manuscripts in progress
  • Presented two papers at the American Association of Applied Linguistics conference in Chicago


Interdisciplinary Research Grants

The Obermann Interdisciplinary Research Grants foster collaborative scholarship and creative work by offering recipients time and space to exchange new ideas leading to invention, creation, and publication. Groups can choose between two- and four-week residencies.

Four groups were in residence in 2017–2018:

Iphigenia: Story of a Refugee


During their month-long residency, Lisa Schlesinger (Theatre Arts, CLAS) wrote the script for this live “film opera,” which will debut at Hancher in 2018–19; Irina Patkanian, a Russian-born filmmaker, edited footage she’d taken of refugees landing in Greece two summers before; and Marion Schoevaert, a French theater director, created storyboards that mixed stills from Patkanian’s footage with a panoply of images. Grammy-winning clarinetist Kinan Azmeh, a member of Yo-Yo Ma’s Silk Road Ensemble, composed the score. 

“We really interrogated the idea of who we sacrifice for war, whose sons and daughters we expect, as a culture, to sacrifice so that others can live.” —Lisa Schlesinger

Avant-Garde in Iowa_DSC9191.jpg

Jennifer Buckley (English, CLAS) and Joyce Tsai (Stanley Museum of Art; Teaching & Learning and Art Education, College of Education) worked to lay the intellectual and logistical groundwork for a five-year program of interrelated exhibitions, performances, lectures, and courses across campus focused on an artistic vanguard that emerged in Iowa beginning at mid-century.

“It was one of the most productive months I’ve had in recent memory and [Jen Buckley and I] both benefited enormously from the time we spent exploring disciplinary, historical, methodological, theoretical, and practical questions together. It was deeply satisfying to learn so much from one another and commit ourselves to this long-term project. Thank you for enabling this endeavor and for fostering spaces of interdisciplinary thought, practice, and community.” —Joyce Tsai

The Intersection of Education and Health in Two Rural Immigrant Iowa Communities

During their time at the Obermann Center, Carolyn Colvin (Literacy, Language, & Culture, College of Education) and Sandra Daack-Hirsch (College of Nursing) applied for an NIH Education and Health: New Frontiers grant. This reflects their growing awareness of literacy and its relationship to health knowledge and health decisions among members of immigrant communities in rural Iowa.

Literacy Interventions in Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities: A Meta-Analysis

Erica Kaldenberg (UI Reach, College of Education) and Meredith Saletta (Communication Sciences & Disorders, CLAS) worked on a meta-analysis about literacy in children, adolescents, and adults with intellectual or developmental disabilities, including individuals with Down syndrome, autism spectrum disorders, cerebral palsy, traumatic brain injury, or other disabilities that affect cognition.

Summer Seminar

BertRusselSemThe Obermann Summer Seminar is an opportunity for UI faculty members to lead a major collaborative project with a dozen or more visiting participants that will result in some form of publication or public work. The outcome should make a significant contribution to the fields of the participants, whether as a print or digital publication or in another form that promises real impact. (Note: This program is currently on hiatus for budgetary reasons.)

The 2017 Summer Seminar, Bertrand Russel’s The Philosophy of Logical Atomism: A Centenary Celebration, was co-directed by Gregory Landini (Philosophy, CLAS) and Landon Elkind (Philosophy, CLAS). The two are currently co-editing a publication of essays on logical atomism originally written for the seminar. The essays have since been revised and expanded and will appear under the title The Philosophy of Logical Atomism: A Centenary Reappraisal.

The event featured 18 scholars from across North America and Europe:

  • Erik C. Banks (Wright State University)
  • Landon D.C. Elkind (University of Iowa, Co-director)
  • Richard Fumerton (University of Iowa)
  • Sebastien Gandon (Blaise Pascal University)
  • Pieranna Garavaso (University of Minnesota–Morris)
  • Andrew Irvine (University of British Columbia)
  • Kevin C. Klement (University of Massachusetts–Amherst)
  • Gülberk Koç Maclean (Mount Royal University)
  • Anssi Korhonen (University of Helsinki)
  • Gregory Landini (University of Iowa, Co-director)
  • James Levine (Trinity College Dublin)
  • Bernard Linsky (University of Alberta)
  • David Charles McCarty (Indiana University)
  • Francesco Orilia (University of Macerata)
  • Katarina Perovic (University of Iowa)
  • Peter M. Simons (Trinity College Dublin)
  • David G. Stern (University of Iowa)
  • Russell Wahl (Idaho State University)


Humanities Symposium

Amnesia poster.jpgThe 2018 Obermann Humanities Symposium and Provost’s Global Forum, “Against Amnesia: Archives, Evidence, and Social Justice,” was directed by Teresa Mangum (Obermann Center and Women’s, Gender, & Sexuality Studies and English, CLAS) with the help of a committee of faculty members and campus archivists: Paula Amad (Cinematic Arts, CLAS), Amy Chen (English, CLAS and University Libraries), Matthew Hannah (Obermann Center and Digital Bridges), Marie Kruger (English, CLAS), Jennifer Sessions (History, CLAS), and Miriam Thaggert (English; Gender, Women’s, & Sexuality Studies; and African American Studies, CLAS).

The symposium brought a dozen scholars, artists, and archivists to Iowa City to share their wide-ranging work. Given the emphasis on social justice, presenters experimented with formats and presentation. From the opening keynote, during which UI alum Trudy Peterson invited individuals to read aloud the articles of the International Bill of Human Rights (listen to Peterson’s talk), to the closing session in which participants saw, heard, and felt the intersections of art, archives, and social justice, the symposium demanded the audience’s engagement with tough, demanding histories, memories, bodies, and laws.Against Amnesia-5418 (1).jpg

This event was a special collaboration with International Programs and the Office of the Provost. We were especially grateful for the Provost’s Global Forum Award, which includes the Joel Barkan Memorial Keynote Lecture.

The UI Center for Human Rights and the Andrew W. Mellon-funded Digital Bridges for Humanistic Inquiry project were co-funders. Additional funding was received from two Ida Cordelia Beam Visiting Professorships from the Provost’s Office.

“[Against Amnesia was] one of the most productive conferences I’ve ever been to. As an artist-scholar who works in a lot of different media, it was incredibly generative for me. I was able to engage with exemplars of scholarly and artistic strategies of assemblage, questioning, and decolonial deconstruction; see new-to-me primary source materials relevant to my book project; pick up tips on how and where to look for items of interest to my own genealogical research in the Caribbean; make connections with local and national scholars whose research interests overlap with my own; and feel a sense of possibility, again, about the archival projects I have on my plate.” —Alea Adigweme, graduate student in Communication Studies, CLAS

Highlights and media:Crawl4-X4.jpg

  • Trudy Huskamp Peterson: “Best When Used By: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
  • William Pretzer: “A Darker Presence: Interpretive Goals and Collecting Strategies in the National Museum of African American History and Culture
  • Jacqueline Wernimont’s HASTAC blog post
  • WorldCanvass: Featured speakers
  • Center for Human Rights course: Archives and Activism, taught by Obermann HASTAC Graduate Scholar Kelsey McGinnis (UI Center for Human Rights and Music, CLAS)
  • Obermann Center Special Topics Graduate Seminar: Archives, Power, and Social Justice, taught by Elizabeth Yale (Center for the Book and History, CLAS)
  • Cinematic Arts Graduate Seminar: Digital Dust: Archives and New Media, taught by Paula Amad
  • Digital Dust: New Media & Archives, May 1–3 mini-conference of graduate research presentations from Paula Amad’s Cinematic Arts course
  • Iowa City Archives Crawl, a collaboration with UI Main Libraries, UI Museum of Natural History, Iowa City Public Library, and the State Historical Society of Iowa. More than 200 people, ranging from Boy Scout troops to lifelong local residents, turned out to interact with holdings in local museums, archives, and libraries
  • Aha! in the Archives: Our short video series featuring stories about “aha!” moments in the archives—times when a researcher or artist found something that altered a project or their way of thinking and feeling about a topic

Digital Bridges for Humanistic Inquiry: A Grinnell College and University of Iowa Partnership

Gabrielle Foreman_s Workshop-8740 (1)

The Obermann Center continues to be an active partner in the Andrew W. Mellon-funded grant, Digital Bridges for Humanistic Inquiry: A Grinnell College and University of Iowa Partnership. We’re delighted to see the many new courses, research projects, and collaborations launched with the help of the grant and to cheer on the projects that we have supported in collaboration with the staff at the UI Digital Scholarship and Publishing Studio.

This year’s events:

  • Designing in Detail: Creating Community-Based Interactive Media—lecture by Alexandrina Agloro (Sept. 22, 2017)
  • Activist Game Design—workshop with Alexandrina Agloro (Sept. 23, 2017)
  • Protest Bots—lecture and workshop with Mark Sample (Oct. 27–28, 2017)
  • “Colored Conventions and the Long History of Black Activism”—lecture by Gabrielle Foreman (Nov. 6, 2017)
  • Diversity and Digital Pedagogy workshop with Gabrielle Foreman (Nov. 7, 2017)
  • How to Harvest History—talk and workshop with Rebecca Wingo (Feb. 2-3, 2018)
  • Introduction to Literary GIS—workshop with Michael Gavin (Feb. 22, 2018)
  • Spatial Humanities and the Study of Literature—seminar with Michael Gavin (Feb. 23, 2018)
  • Distant Reading the End of the World: Big Data and The Hunger Games—lecture by Michael Gavin (Feb. 23, 2018)
  • Machines Writing—lecture by Rita Raley (March 2, 2018)
  • Gardens of Verse—lecture by Andrew Stauffer (April 16, 2018)
  • Book Traces Scavenger Hunt—workshop with Andrew Stauffer (April 17, 2018)
  • The Power of Digital Storytelling: Lights, Camera, Image, Sound, Scripts—2018 Summer Institute with StoryCenter (May 29–June 2)
  • 2018 Symposium (August 8–10, 2018)

More info: https://obermann.uiowa.edu/news/february-digital-bridges-events


Graduate Institute on Engagement and the Academy

Obermann Graduate Institute

The Obermann Graduate Institute on Engagement and the Academy is a one-week interdisciplinary institute in which UI graduate students from across campus and at any point in their graduate studies explore how public engagement can enhance teaching, research, and creative work.

The 2018 Institute was led by Jacki Rand (History, CLAS) and Tricia Zebrowski (Communications Sciences & Disorders, CLAS), with assistance from Senior Fellow Christopher Taylor (Library & Information Science). The Graduate Fellows ranged from an MFA student in Dance to a combined MPH and MBA student from the Colleges of Public Health and Business.

This year’s public partner was the Iowa Youth Writing Program (IYWP), whose leaders Obermann Graduate Instituteshared their mission and the challenges of providing low-cost literacy services to area students during a session at Mark Twain Elementary School’s Before and After School Program. Another IYWP partner, the Antelope Lending Library, was also on hand to share their work. Working in quartets, the Fellows proposed projects that met the challenges the IYWP’s leadership had shared. Each project showed attentive listening to the real needs of the organization, while also highlighting the students’ skills. One project, which focuses on providing equipment, training, and curricula for oral history, was funded by the Office of Outreach and Engagement and is being carried out in summer and fall 2018 by Aiden Bettine (History, CLAS) and John Jepsen (History, CLAS).

“For much of my graduate school experience, I’ve felt like I was attempting to steer my way through a heady intellectual environment that often felt incomplete. After participating in the Graduate Institute, I had two realizations. First, it helped me see that space can be made so that scholarly endeavors are not all intellectual exercises but are also heart-centered and enriching opportunities. The second realization is that I’m part of a community of like-minded individuals from all different disciplines who share similar altruistic passions and desires to use their scholarship to make real change.” —Lydia Maunz-Breese, English, CLAS

Working Groups

talkingObermann Center Working Groups provide space, structure, and discretionary funding for groups led by faculty that may include advanced graduate students, staff members, and community members with a shared intellectual interest. Groups have used this opportunity to explore new work, to share their own research, to organize a symposium, and to develop grant proposals.

In 2017–18, the Obermann Center hosted 16 Working Groups: Circulating Cultures; Comparative Ethnic Studies; Contemporary Literary & Film Theory; Crossing the Social/Biological Divide; Developing Social Practice & Public Engagement as Course Content; Fossils and Farmland; Modes and Models of Facilitation; Narrative in the Clinic, the Classroom, and the Community; Opera Studies; Performance Studies; Personalization Algorithms and Bias in Social Media; Photovoice as a Tool for Learning, Exchange, and Change; Place-Based Inclusion, Scholarship of Public Engagement; Social Justice in K-12 Educational Contexts; and Translation in the Humanities.


  • Organized the 11th annual Iowa City Darwin Day symposium (Crossing the Social/Biological Divide Working Group)
  • Hosted artist and visiting lecturer Adam Pendleton in April 2018 under the auspices of the Dada Futures project (Performance Studies Working Group)
  • Held “Connecting through Place,” a three-minute speed research presentation and brainstorming session to build a network of people interested in local housing issues and learn from each other (Place-Based Inclusion Working Group)
  • History Corps, a former Obermann Working Group, rolled out its Native Spaces oral history project


Obermann Conversations

120417-#Activism-KG19 (1).jpgObermann Conversations bring UI scholars into informal dialogue with both a public partner and a wide audience, allowing us to respond to current events and provide an avenue for scholars to share relevant work.

This year, we hosted nine Obermann Conversations, three of which were “pop-up” conversations we quickly organized in response to events that provoked public dialogue. They took place at the Iowa City Public Library, MERGE, RADinc., and outdoors on the Pentacrest. Audiences ranged from undergraduate students to retired community members and represented a wonderful mix of interests. 

9/19/17: Your Brain on Trees
Andy Dahl, UI arborist; Naomi Greyser, English, GWSS (CLAS); Kristin Bergman, Taproot

10/4/17:  Maria in Context: Puerto Rico, Colonialism, and the U.S. Response
Alberto Ortiz Diaz, visiting scholar, History; Darrel Wanzer-Serrano, Communication Studies (CLAS); Mariola Espinosa, Public Health

10/18/17: Algorithms: The Personal Is Political
Tim Havens, Communication Studies (CLAS); M. Zubair Shafiq, Computer Studies (CLAS); Aleksey Gurtovoy, independent journalist and developer

11/14/17: Collective ActionDSC_0005.jpg
Jennifer Kayle, Dance; Ali Hasan, Philosophy; Peter Rolnick, community environmental activist 

12/4/17: #Hashtag Activism: Fast. Fierce. Effective?
Lisa Covington, Sociology (CLAS); Melissa Tully, Journalism & Mass Communication (CLAS); Raven Maragh, Communication Studies (CLAS); Lucy Polyak, West High School

2/6/18: Unraveling & Mending: Art as Political Witness
Amir ElSaffar, visiting Hancher performer; Lisa Schlesinger, Theatre Arts (CLAS)

3/6/18: So Long, Cursive!
Lisa Roberts, Iowa Youth Writing Project; Shawn Datchuk, College of Education; Cheryl Jacobsen, Center for the Book and independent artist

4/19/18: Global Citizenship
Alisa Meggitt, North Central Jr. High School; Jason Harshman, College of Education; Caleb Elfenbein, Grinnell College

4/26/18: Controlling Research: Gun Control, Public Health, and Restraints on Research
Mark Berg, Sociology (CLAS) and Public Policy Center; Carletta Knox-Seymour, Cedar Rapids-based community activist; Corinne Peek-Asa, College of Public Health


Publications & Major Works

ShowingOffcoverThe following publications completed with assistance from Obermann programming were reported in the last year:

  • Curtius, Anny.  “Unshackling the Ocean: Screening Affect and Memory in Guy Deslauriers’s Passage du Milieu~The Middle Passage. Celluloid Chains: Slavery in the Americas through Film. Rudyard J. Alcocer, Kristen Block, & Dawn Duke (eds). Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 2018, pp. 121-146.
  • Greteman, Blaine; Lee, James; Lee, Jason; Eichmann, David (2018). “Linked Reading: Digital Historicism and Early Modern Discourses of Race around Shakespeare’s Othello.” Journal of Cultural Analytics (1/25/18).
  • Kowal, Rebekah; Siegmund, Gerald; Martin, Randy, eds. (2017). The Oxford Handbook of Dance and Politics, Oxford University Press.
  • Lillios, Katina (forthcoming 2019). Archaeology of the Iberian Peninsula: From the Paleolithic through the Bronze Age, Cambridge University Press.
  • Marra, Kim; Frederik, Laurie; Schuler, Catherine, eds. (2017). Showing Off, Showing Up: Studies of Hype, Heightened Performance, and Cultural Power, University of Michigan Press.
  • Ogren, Christine (2017). “Complexities of Efficiency Reform: The Case of Simplified Spelling, 1876–1921.” History of Education Quarterly 57(3): 333–368.
  • Salomon, Frank (2018). At the Mountains’ Altar: Anthropology of Religion in an Andean Community, Routledge.
  • Schuh, Kathy (2017). Making Meaning by Making Connections, Springer Science+Business Media.image_mini
  • Stern, David (forthcoming 2018). Wittgenstein in the 1930s: Between the Tractatus and the Investigations, Cambridge University Press.
  • Ungar, Steven (2018). Critical Mass: Social Documentary in France from the Silent Era to the New Wave, University of Minnesota Press.
  • Whaley, Deborah (2018). “Neo-Passing and Dissociative Identities as Affective Strategies in Frankie and Alice,” Neo-Passing: Performing Identity after Jim Crow. Mollie Godfrey and Vershawn Ashanti Young, eds. Urbana-Champaign, University of Illinois Press.
  • Wilson Kimber, Marian (2017). The Elocutionists: Women, Music, and the Spoken Word (Music in American Life), University of Illinois Press.



girlThe Obermann Center welcomes the opportunity to support events that further our mission—promoting research and creative work, facilitating publicly engaged art and scholarship, and building intellectual community. University of Iowa faculty members may request small, discretionary grants to fund opportunities such as visiting speakers and conferences.

The Obermann Center supported more than 30 events this year, including visiting scholars’ talks, student-led conferences, and performances by faculty. A few highlighted events and guests that we shepherded in 2017–18:

“I was deeply impressed by your whole approach to this topic of signage. You inspired amazing results from all participants and created one of the most original and informative symposia I have ever attended.”  —James Wines, environmental designer and keynote speaker


  • April 28, 2018 —Representation Matters”: A keynote address by Hannah Beachler, production designer for Black Panther; her talk—part of Iowa City’s Flyover Festfocused on representation in media, film, and culture. 


Complete list of co-sponsored events in 2017–18:

Laura Spelman Rockefeller Grants

delta-center-logoThe Obermann Center supports the DeLTA Center’s projects in the area of children’s learning and development through the Laura Spelman Rockefeller grant. Members of the DeLTA Center and their community partners—professionals from the Iowa Children’s Museum, Iowa 4Cs, Neighborhood Centers of Johnson County, Iowa City Community School District, Foundations in Learning, Children’s Center for Therapy, Johnson County Empowerment, and SourceMedia—recognize the importance of play and shared reading in early learning.



Special thanks to these colleagues and units who help us to do our work:  John Keller, Ann Ricketts, Leslie Revaux, Steve Pradarelli, Modei Akyea, and Wendy Loney in the Office of the Vice President for Research & Economic Development; Erik Simpson, Grinnell College and Co-PI, Mellon Digital Bridges; James McCoy, Ranjit Arab, Karen Copp, and Allison Means at the University of Iowa Press; Tom Keegan and his staff at the Digital Scholarship and Publishing Studio; Robyn Hepker, Benson & Hepker Design; Maeve Clarke and Bond Drager at the Iowa City Public Library; Deborah Dowd, University of Iowa Shared Services; and the grounds crew and cleaning crew who help keep the Obermann Center beautiful.

2017–18 Donors to the Obermann Center

Thank you to the following faculty, staff, emeritus faculty, and community friends who have recognized the value of the Obermann Center’s work and our unique role at the University of Iowa. Your gifts make our work not only possible but more creative and further-reaching.

  • Kurt M. Anstreicher
  • Peter Balestrieri
  • Kenneth G. Brown
  • Amy L. Kristof-Brown
  • Daniel R. Campion
  • Jonathan C. Carlson
  • Susan A. Carlson
  • David J. Cohen
  • Carolyn A. Colvin
  • Corey K. Creekmur
  • David R. Cunning
  • Jane C. Desmond
  • Kathleen E. Diffley
  • Virginia R. Dominguez
  • Rita Felski
  • Claire F. Fox
  • Naomi Greyser
  • Jude Heaney
  • John E. Grant
  • Mary Lynn Grant
  • Carolyn Hartley
  • John P. Hartley
  • Lyell D. Henry, Jr.
  • Charles W. Hickman
  • Rebecca Hickman
  • Gretchen B. Holt
  • Juan P. Hourcade
  • Johna Leddy
  • Jeffrey D. Liebermann
  • Tracy A. Liebermann
  • David F. Lohman
  • Sheryl C. Lohman
  • James F. Longstaff
  • Patricia Hirl Longstaff
  • Teresa L. Mangum
  • Peter J. Manning
  • Karla K. McGregor
  • Allan D. Megill
  • Edith A. Parker
  • Charles M. Peters
  • Mary Ann Peters
  • Silvia Quezada
  • Ann M. Ricketts
  • David C. Ricketts
  • Hutha R. Sayre
  • Susan E. Scheckel
  • Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving
  • Jane L. Van Voorhis