Colored Conventions & the Long History of Black Activism (11/6/17)
Gabrielle Foreman, Ned B. Allen Professor of English and Professor of Black American Studies & History at The University of Delaware, will present “Colored Conventions and the Long History of Black Activism: Digital Organizing and Collective Recovery,” Monday, November 6, 4-5:30pm, at The University of Iowa Main Library Gallery. For more than half a century, […]
Continue ReadingProtest Bot Workshop with Mark Sample (10/28/17)
Mark Sample, Associate Professor of Digital Studies at Davidson College, will lead a Protest Bot Workshop Saturday October 28 at Grinnell College, DLab (Digital Arts Laboratory), Forum Building, 119 6th Avenue, Grinnell, IA 50112. Anyone can make a protest bot, and everyone should. That’s the premise of this hands-on workshop, which introduces a non-programming audience […]
Continue ReadingMark Sample presentation “Bots of Conviction” (10/27/17)
Mark Sample will present “Bots of Conviction” Friday, October 27 at 4-5:30pm. at Grinnell College, Burling Library Lounge, Grinnell College, 1111 Sixth Ave., Grinnell, IA 50112. What is the 21st century equivalent of a 1960s protest song? One possible answer is the protest bot, a new kind of tactical media that speaks truth to power. Such bots have the potential […]
Continue ReadingActivist Game Design Workshop (9/23/17)
Activist Game Design Workshop with Alexandrina Agloro, Assistant Professor of Interactive Media and Game Development at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Saturday September 23, 1-4pm at Grinnell College DLab. Registration required. Limited spaces available. Interested in making games for social change? In this workshop, you will learn the mechanics of game design and how they can contribute […]
Continue ReadingDesigning in Detail: Creating Community-Based Interactive Media (9/22/17)
Alexandrina Agloro presents “Designing in Detail: Creating Community-Based Interactive Media” at Grinnell College, Friday September 22, 4-5:30pm, at Burling Library Lounge (free and open to the public): How can interactive media supplement and support justice-related social movements? Alexandrina Agloro, media artist and Assistant Professor of Interactive Media and Game Development at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, will […]
Continue ReadingDigital Bridges Summer Institute – 5/30/17
The Power of Digital Storytelling: Lights, Camera, Image, Sound, and Scripts This year, Digital Bridges is partnering with StoryCenter for a workshop on multimedia storytelling. The Institute will be held May 30-June 3, 2017 on the University of Iowa campus. StoryCenter has an impressive history of helping faculty members, nonprofit organizations, and community partners capture […]
Continue Reading#robinhoodfail: The Ethics of Public Scholarship and the Digital Liberal Arts- 4/20/17
Dr. Moya Bailey is an assistant professor in the Department of Cultures, Societies, and Global Studies and the program in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at Northeastern University. Her work focuses on Black women’s use of digital media to promote social justice as acts of self-affirmation and health promotion. She is interested in how race, […]
Continue ReadingCatherine D’Ignazio’s Workshop: Creative Data Storytelling 101 – 2/17/17
Looking for creative ways to present data, empower communities, and make your case? Data storytelling connects numbers and analysis to people in evocative, meaningful ways. In this four-hour workshop you will learn the basics of data analysis and visualization using a range of methods and engaging in creative, hands-on activities. These include: – Creative examples: What […]
Continue ReadingCatherine D’Ignazio: Playful Data, Empowered Publics – 2/16/17
Communities are swimming in data–demographic data, participation data, government data, social media data–but very few understand what to do with it. Though governments and foundations are creating open data portals and corporations are creating APIs, these rarely focus on use, usability, building community or creating impact. So although there is an explosion of data, there is a significant lag in data literacy at the scale of communities and […]
Continue Reading4CAST 2017: Our Lives Online-1/12/17
4CAST ’17 will highlight teaching and learning issues related to Big Data, social media, and new technologies—topics set forth by the Office of Outreach and Engagement (Provost’s Office) for our campus-wide Theme Semester, “Our Lives Online.” Come help us celebrate ten years of this popular event. Talks by invited guest speakers will be followed by […]
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