Digital Bridges to Dance
Founded by Celeste Miller (Theatre and Dance, Grinnell), Digital Bridges to Dance is a project devoted to building synchronous and asynchronous online digital practices in two ways: first, as vital and irreplaceable components of the collaborative process for the creation of choreography; and second, as models for coalition building through intentional arts-based collaboration.
In the summer of 2017, Miller and Grinnell undergraduate Charlotte Richardson-Deppe involved working with and reflecting on a variety of methods for digital choreographic collaboration, including visual notetaking, digital dance exchanges, and feedback through creative response. The DB2D website includes a creative portfolio documenting the team’s work and reflections on the experience. The project will continue as Miller and Richardson-Deppe integrate their methods into Miller’s teaching during the spring of 2018.
Celeste Miller was a faculty participant in the 2016 Digital Bridges Summer Institute. This project was supported by a Digital Bridges award for a faculty-student pedagogical partnership between Miller and student Charlotte Richardson-Deppe.